Home Uncategorized Worst and finest foods to eat and prevent for stomach ulcer

Worst and finest foods to eat and prevent for stomach ulcer


What is stomach ulcer?Dr Lahoti explains stomach ulcer as a breach in internal lining of the stomach. Stomach discomfort can likewise be an indication of a more major condition like ulcer in the stomach. Extreme tea is not great for stomach ulcers due to its ability to unwind the lower esophageal sphincter and boost stomach acid production.

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“title =”stomach ulcer

“itemprop=” image” sizes=”100vw “/ > Stomach ulcer can become even worse by certain foods. What is stomach ulcer?Dr Lahoti describes stomach ulcer as a breach in internal lining of the stomach. Stomach discomfort can also be an indication of a more serious condition like ulcer in the stomach. Excessive tea is not good for stomach ulcers due to its capability to unwind the lower esophageal sphincter and boost stomach acid production. It is important as it lubes the foods that reach your stomach to facilitate their movement within that organ and guards your stomach cavity from microbes.


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