Home Uncategorized Why it’s fine to sob at work and not a sign of weak point

Why it’s fine to sob at work and not a sign of weak point


That’s since one feels that weeping at work may be seen as an indication of weakness by numerous. Yes, sobbing at work is alright and ought to not be considered as an indication of weakness. Weeping at work may make people perceive you as immature or it might even seem like an indication of poor self-control.

That’s due to the fact that one feels that sobbing at work may be seen as a sign of weakness by lots of. You might sob due to a fight at home or at work, or even due to the burden of tension. Yes, sobbing at work is okay and must not be thought about as a sign of weak point. Weeping at work might make people perceive you as immature or it may even appear like a sign of bad self-control. Keeping uncomfortable feelings within, or what psychologists refer to as repressive coping, might be destructive to our health, making sobbing a vital security valve.


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