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WHO validates Marburg illness outbreak: Symptoms to know


The verification of the disease being an epidemic came after the global health authority evaluated samples from the nation that were provided last week.So far, 16 presumed cases of the Marburg disease have been identified in Equatorial Guinea. < img bad-src ="https://images.healthshots.com/healthshots/en/Placeholder_Images/placeholder-image-370.jpg "src ="https://images.healthshots.com/healthshots/en/uploads/2022/05/14111418/virus-370×207.jpg"class ="attachment-related-posts-thumb size-related-posts-thumb wp-post-image lazy "width ="370"height="207" alt ="Marburg disease"title= "Marburg disease"

itemprop= “image “sizes=”100vw”/ > WHO validates Marburg illness in main Africa. What is Marburg disease?The Marburg disease is a bat-borne health problem that spreads to people by direct contact with contaminated bodily fluids or objects.

In the first-ever outbreak of Marburg illness, the Ebola-related infection has claimed nine lives in Equatorial Guinea, a nation in Central Africa. The confirmation of the disease being an epidemic came after the worldwide health authority checked samples from the nation that were provided last week.So far, 16 presumed cases of the Marburg disease have actually been found in Equatorial Guinea. < img bad-src ="https://images.healthshots.com/healthshots/en/Placeholder_Images/placeholder-image-370.jpg "src ="https://images.healthshots.com/healthshots/en/uploads/2022/05/14111418/virus-370×207.jpg"class ="attachment-related-posts-thumb size-related-posts-thumb wp-post-image lazy "width ="370"height="207" alt ="Marburg illness"title= "Marburg illness"

itemprop= “image “sizes=”100vw”/ > WHO confirms Marburg disease in main Africa. What is Marburg disease?The Marburg disease is a bat-borne illness that spreads to people by direct contact with infected bodily fluids or items. As per WHO, the virus that triggers Marburg disease is similar to the Ebola virus.


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