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The power of pomegranates – The Beauty Biz


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Pomegranate juice – healthy and tasty

Author: Doreen Corbey May 1 2008

whole and half pomegranate

You may have seen in the stores and grocery stores the increasing look of pomegranate juice. More widely known in cocktails and Middle Eastern cookery, it has been fast making its way as a natural food and part of the 5-a-day quota of fruit/veg.

The health advantages are substantial. New research study has actually shown that a daily glass of pomegranate juice can keep back prostate cancer and might even prevent males dying of the illness.

In 2015 US researchers at the University of Wisconsin showed that pomegranate juice drastically decreases prostate cancer in mice. Prostate cancer patients who have brief doubling times (the time taken for the tumour to double in size) are more likely to die from their health problem, and the average doubling time for the disease is about 15 months. However drinking pomegranate juice extended this duration to 54 months – an almost four-fold boost.

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You might have seen in the stores and supermarkets the increasing look of pomegranate juice. Last year United States scientists at the University of Wisconsin revealed that pomegranate juice drastically slows down prostate cancer in mice. Prostate cancer clients who have short doubling times (the time taken for the tumour to double in size) are more most likely to pass away from their illness, and the average doubling time for the disease is about 15 months. In USA, studies on heart disease patients showed that taking the juice every day increased blood flow to the heart. There are different ranges of pomengranate juice; the naturally sweet ones which do not need you to include sugar, and focuses which you might have to water down.


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