Home Uncategorized Style trends for Summer 2010 – The Beauty Biz

Style trends for Summer 2010 – The Beauty Biz


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What’s in and what’s out for summer season

Author: Charlotte Kuchinsky  Women's romper match examples Summer 2010 will be hotter than ever! Short, shorter, and fastest is the trend of the day, with summer’s dresses going from maxi to mini in the blink of an eye. While the black and white spectator appearance remains strong, as does that red, white and blue nautical pattern, color is actually essential for Summer 2010.
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 Women's romper suit examples Summer 2010 will be hotter than ever! While the black and white spectator look remains strong, as does that red, white and blue nautical pattern, color is actually essential for Summer 2010. Accessories are also important and they will be this summer season. Last, however by no ways least, sunglasses are now much more than simply something to safeguard eyes from the summer season sun. They are an important summer season device and now they come in a broad variety of sizes, shapes and colors.


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