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Sex and epilepsy: Things you should know


< img bad-src=" https://images.healthshots.com/healthshots/en/Placeholder_Images/placeholder-image-370.jpg"src="https://images.healthshots.com/healthshots/en/uploads/2023/02/10171419/Safe-sex-1-370×207.jpg"class="attachment-related-posts-thumb

size-related-posts-thumb wp-post-image lazy”width=”370″ height=” 207 “alt=”sex and epilepsy “title =”sex and epilepsy”itemprop=”image” sizes=”100vw”/ > Epilepsy can impact your sex life. There are times when people can have worry or anxiety around sex and epilepsy. Talk to your partner about epilepsy.

< img bad-src=" https://images.healthshots.com/healthshots/en/Placeholder_Images/placeholder-image-370.jpg"src="https://images.healthshots.com/healthshots/en/uploads/2023/02/10171419/Safe-sex-1-370×207.jpg"class="attachment-related-posts-thumb

size-related-posts-thumb wp-post-image lazy”width=”370″ height=” 207 “alt=”sex and epilepsy “title =”sex and epilepsy”itemprop=”image” sizes=”100vw”/ > Epilepsy can affect your sex life. For males, epilepsy can have an unfavorable effect on sexual activity as it can cause difficulties related to erection, lack of sexual desire and premature ejaculation. The good thing is that most individuals with epilepsy can have normal reproductive and sexual lives. There are times when individuals can have fear or anxiety around sex and epilepsy. Talk to your partner about epilepsy.


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