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Natural treatments for acne and sunburn – The Beauty Biz


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Natural suggestions for healthy skin

Author: Kendria Chris February 13 2011

sunburned woman

 sunburned female Though there are lots of scientific products that are available for the treating of illness, there is absolutely nothing as best as getting recovered using natural items. Nature has actually offered man numerous products that are useful for treating practically every possible trouble that the body can deal with and the best thing with the natural bounty is that there are least ill repercussions of using the natural products compared to the clinical ones. Here are a few natural tips for skin care that can help you fend off the skin related troubles and rise to a radiant and healthy skin.

Natural treatments for acne

  • One of the efficient natural treatments for acne is to use a face mask that is made by boiling 1.5 liters of water with leaves of raspberry and strawberry for 3 to 4 minutes.
  • Ripe tomatoes are likewise efficient in the treatment of acne. Apply pureed tomato on the pimples or acne and wash off after an hour.
  • Aloe vera is the plant which is used in the majority of the scientific treatments for acne and has proven to be an effective solution for acne. You can make a paste and apply it on the pimples and clean it off after a couple of minutes.
  • You can also apply a mix of yogurt and great oatmeal on the acne and leave it to dry prior to cleaning it off with warm water.
  • The juice drawn out from the mint leaves is another efficacious solution. You need to use the juice on the acne before going to bed and leave it on over night and clean it off in the early morning.
  • Soak fenugreek seeds in water over night, make a paste of it and use on the impacted areas.

Natural treatments for tanning skin

Here are a couple of skin care ideas to keep your skin healthy as you tan.

  • When your skin is darkened after a day long outing in the sun, you can rub a slice of potato over the skin and clean it off after a couple of minutes. Raw potato juice can also be obtained lightening the skin.
  • Cucumber is one of the very best natural treatments for sunburnt skin. Peel the skin of the cucumber and make a juice of it, using it on the skin directly. This can also be combined with cool milk and used to the skin. Wash it off after fifteen minutes. This can produce excellent outcomes when done twice a day.
  • Exfoliation is essential for the removal of the dead skin and providing a healthy radiance to the skin. A mixture of sugar with lemon juice and glycerin makes an effective homemade exfoliator. When used frequently it assists the skin glow as never in the past.
  • Grind a couple of almonds and blend them with natural yogurt, oatmeal and ground leaves of lavender and use on the impacted areas. This is a fantastic solution for overcoming the tan and restoring the intense and radiant skin.

post continued


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When your skin is darkened after a day long outing in the sun, you can rub a slice of potato over the skin and wash it off after a few minutes. Cucumber is one of the best natural treatments for sunburnt skin. Peel the skin of the cucumber and make a juice of it, applying it on the skin straight. This can also be blended with cool milk and applied to the skin. Exfoliation is essential for the elimination of the dead skin and supplying a healthy radiance to the skin.


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