Home Uncategorized Keep your skin radiant in winter season – The Beauty Biz

Keep your skin radiant in winter season – The Beauty Biz


December 16 2006

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 design in santa clothing Central heating, cold winds and an excess of Christmas parties can all play havoc with your skin. These factors combined with the added tension and pressure at this time of year can take their toll on the skin, leaving it dry, dehydrated and dull! Take the following steps to fight this and keep your skin throughout the party season:

The popular 3 actions

Always clean, tone and moisturize daily. Do not be lured to fall under bed without very first removing your make-up – you will regret this in the morning when you wake up with blotchy skin and inflamed, puffy eyes!

Exfoliate frequently

Twice a week utilize a facial polish or peel to slough off dead skin cells. This will also allow your moisturizer to sink much deeper into the skin as the surface area barrier will have been gotten rid of. I like: Circaroma Geranium & & Vanilla Polish (www.circaroma.com) or Living Nature Peep Cleansing Day Peel (www.livingnature.com).

article continued


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 design in santa outfit Central heating, cold winds and an excess of Christmas celebrations can all play havoc with your skin. Twice a week peel or use a facial polish to slough off dead skin cells. Your skin is a mirror of what is inside your body, so if you are eating rubbish it follows that your skin will look rubbish too! Attempt to likewise include foods that are rich in EPA and GLA oils, such as avocadoes, oily fish and nuts and seeds – this will help to oil the skin from the within out. Treat your skin to a facial when every 4 to six weeks.


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