Home Uncategorized Here’s how yoga assists you with irritable bowel syndrome

Here’s how yoga assists you with irritable bowel syndrome


Anulom vilom can assist you deal with irritable bowel syndrome. Yoga Nidra can assist you deal with irritable bowel syndrome. You can include yoga poses such as Bhujangasana

, Dhanurasana, Vajrayana, and Pawanmuktasana.As per the yoga instructor, all these yoga positions stimulate digestion organs.

How does yoga help with irritable bowel syndrome?Yoga is an ancient practice that has been part of Indian culture for thousands of years. Anulom vilom can assist you deal with irritable bowel syndrome. Yoga Nidra can help you deal with irritable bowel syndrome. You can include yoga presents such as Bhujangasana

, Dhanurasana, Vajrayana, and Pawanmuktasana.As per the yoga instructor, all these yoga presents promote digestion organs. While these yoga asanas can work to assist you get relief from irritable bowel syndrome, it is best to talk to your physician to deal with it.


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