Home Uncategorized Feeling woozy after eating food? Know why this occurs

Feeling woozy after eating food? Know why this occurs


What leads to dizziness after eating meals? Staying hydrated might help combat dizziness after meals.< source media="( min-width: 768px )"srcset="https://images.healthshots.com/healthshots/en/uploads/2022/10/19093602/sleep-627×354.jpg "width="770"

sleep benefits
height=”436″> Sitting or lying down might help you deal with dizziness after meals.

What leads to lightheadedness after eating meals? Postprandial is a medical term for the time after consuming a meal, and hypotension implies low blood pressure. Staying hydrated may assist combat lightheadedness after meals. If you feel lightheaded too frequently after consuming meals, attempt sitting or lying down for some time after consuming to cope with postprandial hypotension.< source media="( min-width: 768px )"srcset="https://images.healthshots.com/healthshots/en/uploads/2022/10/19093602/sleep-627×354.jpg "width="770"

sleep benefits
height=”436″> Lying or sitting down might assist you deal with lightheadedness after meals.


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