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3 full meals – but in what order? – The Beauty Biz


 female eating fresh fruit There is a saying:” breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dine like a pauper”. When we take in food, it passes through the digestive system and is broken down. Your very first meal in the early morning takes up to about 7 hours to absorb, so by lunch break the gastrointestinal system is working at a slower rate because it’s already been working hard.
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 woman consuming fresh fruit There is a saying:” breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dine like a pauper”. Your first meal in the morning takes up to about 7 hours to absorb, so by lunch break the gastrointestinal system is working at a slower rate because it’s already been working hard. Released early 2007, The Reverse Diet, composed by Tricia Cunningham and nutritional expert Heiki Skolnik, quickly became a bestseller in the United States. Tricia lost half her body weight when she stumbled on the concept of reversing your meals, consuming supper for breakfast and breakfast for supper, and has kept the weight off since. Maybe the concept of having supper very first thing in the day may be off-putting, but bear in mind that in some parts of the world, cereal and toast at the start of the day is not the standard; in the Far East for example one would typically have some mix of noodles, rice and fish for breakfast.


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