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Signs you are being clingy in a relationship and how to avoid it

Signs you are being clingy in a relationship and how to avoid it

When you start a new relationship, you constantly want to be in touch with your partner. Texts, calls and one-on-one meetings with your beau take up a lot of your time. But as time goes by, do you still feel the need to hover around your partner? Maybe you are just being clingy in your relationship. It is common for people in relationships to develop an emotional attachment and a desire for closeness with their partner. This desire for intimacy and connection can sometimes lead to clinginess. Turns out, it’s not the most healthy thing for your relationship.

HealthShots connected with psychotherapist, life and business coach Dr Chandni Tugnait, who shared all about clingy behaviour.

clingy in relationship
Being clingy in a relationship is not healthy. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Being clingy in a relationship

It’s not just about your desire to be close your partner, but insecurities can also contribute to clingy behaviour. It’s important to communicate with your partner and establish healthy boundaries to ensure that both of you feel comfortable and respected in the relationship, suggests Dr Tugnait. Women can become clingy for various reasons such as not feeling loved enough, lack of confidence in a relationship or fear of losing their partner.

Signs of women being clingy

Wondering if you’re being too clingy to your partner? Here are some parameters which can help you judge your own behaviour and make tweaks for a healthy relationship.

1. Becoming too possessive

This can manifest as constantly wanting to know where your partner is, who he is with, and how long he plans on staying.

2. Needing constant communication

Clingy partners may become anxious if they don’t hear from their partner regularly or receive quick responses to texts and calls.

3. Developing unrealistic expectations

A clingy partner may expect you to be available 24/7 or may develop unrealistic expectations for the relationship, leaving you feeling overwhelmed and drained.

4. Acting jealous easily

When someone is clingy, it can often make them jealous of any time you spend away from them or with others, says the expert.

5. Trying to control life

A clingy partner may try to control every aspect of your life, from when you eat and sleep to who you hang out with and where you go, to keep you close all the time.

clingy in relationship
Pursue individual interests instead of doing everything together. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Tips to avoid being clingy in a relationship

You can stop being clingy by setting boundaries and communicating openly with you partner (how lack of communication affects your relationship).

1. Pursue individual interests

It’s essential to take time away from the relationship to pursue individual interests or spend time with friends and family, as this can help prevent feelings of dependency or insecurity.

2. Focus on building self-confidence

Doing this and feeling secure in yourself can reduce the need for constant validation from your partner. Here are some tips to overcome insecurity and gain self-confidence.

3. Identify the underlying causes of clinginess

It is vital to stop being clingy. Whether it is low self-esteem, fears, or needing validation or reassurance, being honest with oneself is paramount in addressing the issue.

4. Recognise that these feelings are normal

It’s critical to recognise that these feelings are normal and a part of being in a relationship. However, it’s also imperative to maintain a sense of independence and allow your partner to have their own space and time.

A healthy relationship is all about trust, communication, and mutual respect, so managing clingy behaviour can be essential to maintaining the foundation.

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