Home Beauty tools Review: Samy Fat Hair 0 Calories Amplifying Hair Spray – The Beauty Biz

Review: Samy Fat Hair 0 Calories Amplifying Hair Spray – The Beauty Biz

Review: Samy Fat Hair 0 Calories Amplifying Hair Spray – The Beauty Biz

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A great product to give your hair body and curl

Author: Charlotte Kuchinsky
February 8 2009

Samy Fat Hair 0 Calories Amplifying Hair SpraySamy Fat Hair 0 Calories Amplifying Hair Spray

Products from the Samy Salon Collection have been favorites among Florida residents for over a decade. That makes sense, because Samy’s salon is located in Miami. However, the success of his products didn’t remain hidden for long, and women were soon singing his praises from coast to coast.

Home Shopping Network (HSN) couldn’t wait to hook the beauty master and has held tightly to his reigns for many years; often gaining some short-term exclusives before they were available in beauty boutiques.

Women with thinning and/or fine hair love Samy’s volumizing and thickening products, especially his Fat Hair 0 Calories line. Of all his thickening products, his Amplifying Hair Spray amplifying hair spray rightfully leads the pack, no doubt because the product really works.

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As a woman with rail straight, baby fine hair, finding the right hair products have always been a challenge for me. No more! I use Samy’s Fat Hair 0 Calories line and love the results. Gone are the bad hair days that used to leave me in tears. I’ve even stopped perming my hair in order to get some body and curl. I no longer need either.

Fat Hair 0 Calories Amplifying Hair Spray is non-sticky and lightweight, leaving nothing but movie star hair in its wake. It adds volume and fullness just like it promises, no matter how fine and limp the hair might be. Best of all, it leaves behind a glorious shine without worry of flaking or product buildup. Who can ask for anything more?

Samy’s products can be purchased at HSN, at upscale beauty boutiques, and online at various sources. The price varies depending upon where the product is purchased, but the Amplifying Hair Spray averages out at around $15.

I highly recommend this product, it’s worth every penny. I’m a very happy “Samy Angel”!

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