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Beauty through the ages – The Renaissance – The Beauty Biz


Included short article

A historical period when genuine females were idolized

Author: Charlotte Kuchinsky August 5 2007

Botticelli's Young Woman in Mythological Guise

 Botticelli's Young Woman in Mythological Guise The Renaissance was a cultural movement that began in Florence in the 1400’s, then spread out throughout most of Europe, and lasted into the early years of the 16th century. Because the heart of the Renaissance era dealt with an idolization of the art and literature from the ancient civilizations of Rome and Greece, the understanding of what was thought about lovely changed.


Women of the Renaissance period did not issue themselves with things like a couple of additional pounds of weight. In fact, just the opposite was true. The ideal appeal of that era was more voluptuous than possibly any other time in history. Paintings from the Renaissance period typically focused on women who would today be considered fat. However, at that time, their figures and kinds were considered the height of sexiness.

This is a plain contrast to modern attitudes! Nowadays, unless I actually starve myself to death, I can’t get remotely skinny sufficient to be ‘attractive’. At 5 foot eight, barely tipping the scales at 110 pounds, and an US size 7, I am considered overweight, whereas during the Renaissance duration natural women were prized for their God-given bodies.

Since high, wide foreheads were valued, ladies frequently pumiced that location to conceal any evidence of tweezed hairlines and to ensure that no lines broke the tranquility of their eyebrow. Below the external garment, Renaissance women practically constantly used some kind of an under-dress, which was called a chemise. Women of the Renaissance Era were in numerous ways more “natural” than the females of today.

 Botticelli's Young Woman in Mythological Guise The Renaissance was a cultural motion that started in Florence in the 1400’s, then spread out throughout many of Europe, and lasted into the early years of the 16th century. Ladies of the Renaissance duration did not concern themselves with things like a few extra pounds of weight. Paintings from the Renaissance duration frequently focused on ladies who would today be considered fat. Below the outer garment, Renaissance females nearly constantly wore some kind of an under-dress, which was called a chemise. Ladies of the Renaissance Era were in lots of ways more “natural” than the women of today.


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