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Can you get pregnant if you have fibroids?

Can you get pregnant if you have fibroids?

Uterine fibroids are a common condition among women. Many women may not require surgical treatment for uterine fibroids, depending on the severity of their symptoms. But the presence of fibroids may still be worrisome for most women, especially those who want to become pregnant.

Fibroids are common in women of reproductive age. They are aberrant uterine growths that are normally harmless and seldom cause uterine cancer. Fibroids differ in size and location. Some are little, while others can be quite huge and deform the uterus. A type of fibroids called the subserosal fibroids develop outside the uterus, while intramural fibroids develop within the uterine wall and submucosal fibroids develop within the uterus, or womb. A woman with fibroids may or may not be able to conceive, depending on her condition. Let’s find out if you can get pregnant if you have fibroids.

pregnancy with fibroids
Know if you can get pregnant with fibroid. Image courtesy: Adobe stock

Symptoms of fibroids

Since fibroids do not usually cause symptoms, it is possible to have them and be unaware of them. Some of the common symptoms of fibroids include:

  • Menstrual cycles that be heavy or prolonged
  • Irregular menstrual bleeding
  • Back discomfort in the lower back
  • Lower abdominal discomfort
  • Pain when having sex

Do fibroids cause infertility issues in women?

It is unknown what produces fibroids. However, they have been connected to family history. Being overweight or being over the age of 30 could increase the risk of developing fibroids. It can impair infertility in numerous ways:

  • The amount of sperm that may enter the uterus might be affected by changes in the shape of the cervix.
  • The migration of the sperm or embryo might be hampered by changes in the shape of the uterus.
  • Fibroids can obstruct the fallopian tubes.
  • They can have an effect on the size of the uterine cavity lining.
  • Blood flow to the uterine cavity may be compromised. This can reduce an embryo’s capacity to stick (implant) to the uterine wall or grow.

Is pregnancy with fibroids possible?

Around 20-80 percent of women develop fibroids by the age of 50, 30 percent of whom acquire it between the ages of 25 and 44. As a result, a high percentage of women are diagnosed with fibroids throughout their reproductive years. In most cases, uterine fibroids hardly interfere with a woman’s ability to become pregnant. However, 10-30 percent of women with fibroids may face some reproductive issues or may find it difficult to get pregnant.

uterine fibroids
Uterine fibroids may lead to infertility issues. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock

Uterine fibroids can affect the meeting of sperm and egg, the ability of an embryo to implant, the continuation of a pregnancy, and the development and placement of the baby. Pregnancy with fibroids can be extremely uncomfortable for the mother. Pregnancy concerns associated with these growths include premature birth, placental abruption and fetal growth limits. Experts have also discovered that the most severe consequence of fibroids on pregnancy is miscarriage. Women can avoid these risks by having fibroids treated before pregnancy.

Treatment is determined on an individual basis. It is based on the symptoms of fibroids and the risk it poses to fertility. The intensity of your symptoms and your doctor’s suggestions will determine how and if you need fibroids treatment.

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