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Toxic parenting: Stop saying these things to your kid


< source media="(min-width: 768px)"srcset="https://images.healthshots.com/healthshots/en/uploads/2022/11/20173335/child-mental-health-627×354.jpg"width="770

“height =”436 “> Toxic moms and dads ought to prevent stating upsetting things to their kids. Many times, hazardous parents have a routine of comparing their kid with another kid.

Parents ought to prevent being hazardous.

If you are being physically or emotionally abusive or utilizing your child’s love for you to manage them, you are a toxic moms and dad.< source media="(min-width: 768px)"srcset="https://images.healthshots.com/healthshots/en/uploads/2022/11/20173335/child-mental-health-627×354.jpg"width="770

“height =”436 “> Toxic moms and dads ought to avoid saying hurtful things to their kids. Lots of times, toxic parents have a routine of comparing their child with another kid. Hazardous parents, in a fit of rage or aggravation, can blame the kids.

Parents should prevent being poisonous.


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