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7 morning habits for weight loss to see visible results

7 morning habits for weight loss to see visible results

It is rightly believed that what you do first thing in the morning sets up the tone and mood for your entire day. A similar rule applies to weight-loss strategies. It isn’t an easy game. You can only hit your health target with the right amalgamation of workout, diet and lifestyle changes. If you fail to significantly tweak any of these parameters, it will get hard for you to shed those extra kilos off your body. While workouts and diet help to manage weight, some minor changes in morning rituals can catalyze the whole process. Several studies have also shown that some healthy morning habits such as waking up early and exercising in the morning can help to lose weight faster.

Health Shots got in touch with Nabanita Saha, Chief Clinical Dietician, Manipal Hospital, Old Airport Road, Bengaluru, to know morning habits for weight loss.

morning habits for weight loss
You will be much fitter and healthier if you follow these morning habits for weight loss. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock

Healthy morning habits to to lose weight faster

Burning of calories is a crucial factor in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. By incorporating minor healthy morning habits, you can set a good example for the rest of the day and increase your metabolism by burning calories early in the morning. The expert shares some tips that can be followed to see visible results.

1. Hydrate

“Get out of your bed, and grab a glass of water first thing in the morning. Drinking enough water helps jump-start your metabolism and is also essential for general wellness. For an additional metabolic boost, include a slice of lemon, or a few drops of apple cider vinegar in your water,” says the expert.

2. High-intensity interval training (HIIT)

This kind of training can help you burn a lot of calories when incorporated into your morning routine. Short bursts of hard exercise are interspersed with quick rest periods during these workouts. They aid in calorie burning during exercise and maintain a high metabolism long after the workout is finished.

3. Eat a well-rounded breakfast

The expert suggests, “There is a reason why breakfast is frequently referred to as the most important meal of the day. You can get the energy you need for the day ahead and avoid overeating later on by eating a well-rounded balanced breakfast. To fuel your body and maintain active metabolism, blend complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, and protein in your diet”.

Also read: 5 morning habits you must follow strictly to fight obesity

4. Pick protein-rich foods

Opting protein-rich foods can burn more calories because protein demands more energy to digest than fats or carbohydrates. Lean meats, Greek yoghurt, cottage cheese and eggs are all great sources of protein.

morning habits for weight loss
Jogging and other cardio exercises in the morning can lead to faster weight loss. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock

5. Spice up your food

The expert suggests spicing up your food by adding cayenne pepper, ginger or cinnamon to your morning meals to assist in boosting metabolism and burning more calories. These spices are thermogenic, which means they increase body warmth and make digestion more difficult.

6. Drink green tea or black coffee

The caffeine in each of these beverages has the potential to temporarily increase your metabolism. They also include antioxidants which have several positive health effects. Just be aware of any allergies or medical issues that might necessitate limiting or avoiding caffeine.

7. Get moving

“Stop hitting the snooze button, and get your body moving the in morning. It helps boost metabolism and burn more calories throughout the day, whether it’s a brisk walk, jog, cycle, or fast gym regimen,” says the expert.

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