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7 health benefits of papaya seeds

7 health benefits of papaya seeds

Papaya is one fruit that always comes to mind first whenever we talk about healthy fruits. Regardless of whether you like it or not, you must have tried it because it is so widely available in the Asian market. Your skin and overall health will benefit greatly from it. Not to mention how everyone likes to eat them in the form of chaat or juice due to their classic fresh and sweet taste. They’re loved and enjoyed by people from all age groups. However, what we all do is throw away their precious papaya seeds. Sigh!

Papaya fruit’s flavour, nutritional value and health advantages are well known. However, papaya seeds are also incredibly healthy. These seeds are dark in colour and have a shiny, slick exterior. You may feel the hard, black seeds if you take off this covering. They have a little spicy and bitter flavour. You can eat them after drying them up and grinding.

Are papaya seeds healthy?

Yes! Papaya seeds are a good source of fiber, healthy fats, and protein. Additionally, they include vitamins and minerals including zinc, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron, and calcium. In fact, papaya seeds contain significant amounts of monounsaturated fatty acids like oleic acid and polyphenols, and flavonoids which are powerful antioxidants. All these nutritional values are known to promote your health and ward off diseases.

papaya seeds
Papaya seeds are good to boost your health. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Health Shots asked Vidhi Chawla, Founder of Fisico Diet Clinic, to know all the health benefits of papaya seeds.

Here are 7 top health benefits of papaya seeds:

1. Aid weight loss

Papaya seeds contain a lot of fiber. They support digestion, which facilitates the removal of waste from your body. Additionally, they help regulate your metabolism and prevent your body from storing extra fat. This contributes to the prevention of obesity.

2. Improve gut health

Papaya seeds contain a substance called carpaine that kills worms and bacteria in your intestines, avoiding constipation and maintaining the health of your digestive system. Also, the high fiber content of the seeds can regulate bowel motions and keep the health of your digestive system on your track.

3. Reduce cholesterol levels

Fiber aids in the reduction of cholesterol levels throughout the body. As a result, eating papaya seeds aids in keeping normal levels of cholesterol in the body. They also contain oleic acid and other monounsaturated fatty acids. These fatty acids reduce bad cholesterol, which lowers cholesterol levels.

papaya seeds
Make sure your cholesterol levels are maintained. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

4. Lower cancer risk

Papaya seeds contain polyphenols, which are strong antioxidants. They protect your body from several forms of cancer. Take 5 to 6 papaya seeds, crush or grind them, and eat them with food or juice.

Also read: Dengue fever: Papaya leaf extract is a home remedy you can try

5. Decrease inflammation

Papaya seeds are rich in vitamin C and other compounds such as alkaloids, flavonoids, and polyphenols. These chemicals are all anti-inflammatory in nature. They can, therefore, help prevent and reduce inflammation in disorders like gout and arthritis.

6. Reduce period pain

Carotene, present in papaya, is vital in helping the body control the creation of an estrogen-like hormone. Although papaya seeds may help trigger menstruation and boost its regularity, they can also assist manage period pain to some level.

papaya seeds
Don’t suffer period troubles. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock

7. Help cure food poisoning

Making and consuming a papaya seed extract can aid in the effective killing of bacteria such as Escherichia coli and others that are responsible for the majority of incidents of food poisoning.


So ladies, keep the papaya seeds the next time you eat one and incorporate them into your daily diet. All you need is one tablespoon of seeds every day. Stick to the recommended serving size as eating too many seeds can affect your weight negatively.

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