Home Beauty tools 5 effective spine exercises you can do at home

5 effective spine exercises you can do at home

5 effective spine exercises you can do at home

Have you ever felt like your back is yearning for a good stretch, longing to release the tension that accumulates from everyday activities? Well, fret not! We have just the solution for you. Get ready to embark on a spine-tingling adventure as we tell you about some exciting and comforting exercises. So, let’s take a look at 5 expert recommended spine exercises that can be performed at home.

A healthy and flexible spine is vital for maintaining proper posture, preventing back pain, and improving overall mobility. By incorporating specific exercises into your fitness routine, you can effectively open up your spine, increase its flexibility, and promote better spinal health. Engaging in exercises that specifically target the spine can significantly enhance its mobility.

Back pain is a common issue caused by various factors, including poor posture, muscle imbalances and sedentary lifestyles. Engaging in exercises that target the spine can help alleviate back pain by strengthening the supportive muscles and improving spinal alignment.

spine exercises
Spine exercises are important to maintain your posture! Image courtesy: Shutterstock

5 spine exercises you can do at home

Celebrity fitness trainer, Namrata Purohit shared an Instagram reel in which she is seen performing 5 exercises that can relax your body and open up your spine. Let’s take a look at how to do these exercises.

1. Back Extension

The back extension exercise primarily targets the muscles of the lower back, promoting extension and flexibility in the lumbar spine.

How to perform it:

1. Lie face down on a mat, legs extended, and arms resting alongside your body.
2. Engage your core and glutes to lift your chest off the ground while keeping your neck in a neutral position.
3. Hold the lifted position for a few seconds, then lower your upper body back down.
4. Repeat for 10 to 12 repetitions, gradually increasing as your back strength improves.

Also read: Working from home could be messing with your spine. Here’s how you can fix that right away

2. Spine Twist Kneeling

The spine twist kneeling exercise helps improve rotational mobility in the thoracic spine, enhancing spinal flexibility and releasing tension in the upper back.

How to perform it:

1. Start by kneeling on all fours, with your hands placed directly beneath your shoulders and your knees aligned with your hips.
2. Place one hand behind your head, keeping your elbow pointing out to the side.
3. Slowly rotate your torso and reach the elbow of the hand behind your head toward the opposite side, without allowing your hips to twist.
4. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.
5. Perform 8 to 10 repetitions on each side, focusing on maintaining proper alignment throughout the movement.

spine twist
Spine twist is your go to pose to reduce backache. Image courtesy: Shutterstcok

3. Spine Twist with Roll

The spine twist with a roll exercise targets the mobility of the entire spine, especially the mid and lower sections, while also engaging the core muscles.

How to perform it:

1. Sit on a mat with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground.
2. Hold a small foam roller or towel between your hands, keeping your arms extended in front of you.
3. Slowly rotate your torso to one side while keeping your hips and lower body stable.
4. Return to the center and then twist to the other side.
5. Repeat the movement for 10 to 12 repetitions, focusing on the rotation and maintaining a tall spine.

4. Mermaid or Side Bend with Roll

The mermaid exercise targets the lateral flexors of the spine, improving flexibility and mobility in the side body while stretching the muscles along the entire spine.

How to perform it:

1. Sit on a mat with your legs folded to one side, knees bent, and the bottom foot positioned close to your sitting bone.
2. Hold a small foam roller or towel with both hands, extending your arms overhead.
3. Keeping your spine elongated, slowly side bend to the opposite side, feeling a stretch along the length of your spine.
4. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.
5. Aim for 8 to 10 repetitions on each side, focusing on maintaining proper alignment and breathing deeply throughout the exercise.

5. Mermaid Twist and Release

This exercise combines rotational movement and side bending to enhance spinal mobility and release tension in the upper back and shoulders.

How to perform it:

1. Sit on a mat with your legs folded to one side, knees bent, and the bottom foot positioned close to your sitting bone.
2. Place one hand behind your head, keeping your elbow pointing out to the side.
3. Slowly rotate your torso and reach the elbow of the hand behind your head toward the opposite side.
4. As you twist, gently lean to the side, feeling a stretch along the side of your torso.
5. Hold the position for a few seconds, then release and return to the starting position.
6. Repeat on the other side, alternating between each side for 8 to 10 repetitions.

spine exercises
Try these exercises to prevent all sorts of spine problems. Image Courtesy: Shutterstock

By consistently incorporating these exercises into your routine, you can improve your spinal mobility, alleviate back pain, and promote a healthy and flexible spine. So, get started on your journey to a more open and supple spine today!

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