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4 Moves to Hit Your Back, Legs, and Butt

4 Moves to Hit Your Back, Legs, and Butt

These routines will work best with two sets of dumbbells. Ideally, having a light (5 to 10 pound) and medium (8 to 20 pound) option will ensure you make the most of all the different exercises. However, if you only have one set of dumbbells, you can still make this work—you’ll just need to adjust how many reps you’re doing during your work period (you’d do more for reps during your given work period if the weight feels too light, for instance).

If you don’t have any dumbbells but still want to increase your challenge, do each exercise in Just Enough Movement and pick a higher work-to-rest ratio, or increase your total number of circuits.

With Just a Little More Movement, you’ve also got several cardio options. You can walk, jog, cycle, row, use the elliptical—whatever modality you prefer. You can customize each routine from 20 to 30 minutes, and you’ll get both a steady-state option (where intensity maintains the same throughout) and an interval option (where you vary your intensity) each week.

As SELF’s Fitness Director and an ACE-certified personal trainer, I created this program with you—and all the members of Team SELF—in mind. Rather than being prescriptive, these routines are meant to be guidelines that you can look to while honoring your body, your goals, and what you need in that moment and on that day. You’re not locked in to any choice, and you can and should feel free to change it up throughout the four weeks (or even per day) as you see fit. For example, you could try one round of Just Enough Movement between Zoom calls one day and gradually add more circuits as the weeks go on. Or, if you have the time and energy, you can block out a full half hour and complete multiple rounds of Just a Little More Movement circuits. Whatever you’re in the mood for, this program is there for you. We want this movement to add joy—not stress—to your day!

Keeping that in mind, here’s what we have on the agenda for Day 1: Three bodyweight moves for Just Enough Movement—the squat, bicycle crunch, and modified plank row—that will get your entire body loose. For Just a Little More, you’ve got the option of a routine that builds upon those exercises with a dumbbell single-arm row, goblet squat, forearm plank, and the same bicycle crunch.

Thanks for joining us, Team SELF! We know it’s going to be a good month.

Just Enough Movement Directions:

  • Complete each exercise for 30 seconds, then rest for 30 seconds.
  • After completing all three exercises, rest for up to 60 seconds. That’s 1 round.
  • Complete 2–3 rounds.

Just Enough Movement Exercises:

  • Bodyweight Squat
  • Bicycle Crunch
  • Modified Plank Bodyweight Row

Just a Little More Movement Directions:

Complete each exercise for your chosen work/rest interval:

  • 30 seconds work, 30 seconds rest
  • 40 seconds work, 20 seconds rest
  • 50 seconds work, 10 seconds rest

After all of your exercises are done, rest for up to 60 seconds. That’s 1 round. Complete 3–5 rounds.

Just a Little More Movement Exercises:

  • Goblet Squat (Medium Dumbbell Set)
  • Single-Arm Row (Left Side, Medium Dumbbell Set)
  • Bicycle Crunch
  • Single-Arm Row (Right Side, Medium Dumbbell Set)
  • Forearm Plank

Exercise Directions:

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