Home Beauty tools 2 Warm-Ups You Can Do Before Any Strength Workout

2 Warm-Ups You Can Do Before Any Strength Workout

2 Warm-Ups You Can Do Before Any Strength Workout

If you’ve ever been to a workout class before, you’re probably familiar with the dictum: Don’t skip your warm-up! It’s oft-repeated for good reason. Warm-ups help prime your muscles for the work ahead, and studies show this type of gentle movement can reduce your chances of injury and even contribute to improved performance.

But there are other less scientific reasons to ease into a routine. If you’re working out first thing in the morning, warm-ups allow you to mentally prepare for what’s coming so you’re not rolling out of bed and going from 0 to 60, which is both unpleasant and not easy. On the flip side, if you’re starting your workout after a long day of sitting at an office or working on your feet, five minutes of dynamic stretching can help you shake off the stiffness of the day and provide space for that transition from work life to me time.

The two options below can be done before any type of workout, but they’re designed to go before strength workouts. Both are dynamic—meaning you won’t be holding still in static stretches. Instead, you’ll limber up with gentle movements that target many of the same large muscle groups you’re likely to use during a strength workout: core, glutes, legs, shoulders, and hips. Do the exercises below back to back—but don’t go all out. For example, although there’s a squat on this lineup, do your squats slower than you would during a workout. As you sink down, pay close attention to any tight spots or muscle soreness you might experience. Don’t count your reps either; just do what feels comfortable in 30 seconds.

Two rounds of the circuits below will take you about five minutes. However, you should feel free to add on another round or add in any other type of movement that serves you. Get started below, and then go crush your workout feeling confident that your muscles are all ready for action.

Strength Warm-Up 1

Directions: Do each exercise below in order for 30 seconds, back to back, without rest. At the end of all 4 exercises, rest for 60 seconds. Repeat the circuit one more time.

  • Good Morning
  • Bird-Dog Crunch
  • Squat
  • Inchworm

Strength Warm-Up 2

Directions: Do each exercise below in order for 30 seconds, back to back, without rest. At the end of all 4 exercises, rest for 60 seconds. Repeat the circuit one more time.

  • Downward Dog to Runner’s Lunge
  • Sumo Squat
  • Glute Bridge
  • Forearm Plank

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